Sunday, October 15, 2006


Gladiator (2000) *

With a title like this - I anticipated a film about Viv Richards, or Kevin Pietersen at least. Instead we get a tale about a hairy bloke in Rome. Now the only reason it gets a star is that I subsequently discovered that the lead actor, Russell Crowe, is the cousin of Jeff and Martin Crowe who were very much part of New Zealand's golden era. What a team they had in those days: Wright, Edgar, Reid, Rutherford, Coney, Hadlee, Bracewell, Lees, Gary Troup, Ewan Chatfield, Martin Snedden, Stephen Boock, the list goes on... Jeremy Coney was one of my favourite players. I recall watching him playing against England I think it must have been in 1986. I can't really remember which test (or one-dayer?) it was but I recall that the ball was swinging markedly and Coney was exploiting it to its fullest. Certainly one of the most enjoyable spells of bowling I have ever seen. Coney was swinging it so much, I swear he was starting the ball off pointing towards point before it ducked back in. I don't think I have ever seen a ball do so much in the air. It was truly a joy to watch. As it happens Jeremy Coney is also my favourite commentator. If he is doing TMS, pray for rain, so that he can regale us with some of his tales from the golden era.

Martin Crowe, by the way, was truly world-class. Russell Crowe looks as if he is a one-trick pony, I bet he swings across the line in a cow-corner type hoik. If you pitch it up full and straight I bet you'd get him every time.

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